Living in a human zoo on an alien planet is as crazy as it sounds

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[Note: This short film has been taken down by specific request of its author and has been disqualified from our film festival. Sorry for the inconvenient.]

That powerful un-motivating slacker voice inside me thinks that living in a human zoo ruled by aliens wouldnā€™t be so bad. You donā€™t have to worry about work, housing, cleaning, food, or even sex. But then you realize how pointless an existence that is. Can you imagine being made to dress up as some old Vicomte de Valmont with the only thing to look forward to in the day is a lunch made out of pills?

Kepler X-47ā€”not to be confused with the planet Kepler 22bā€”is a short film directed by Erin Li. It tells the struggles of a young woman caged in a human zoo on an alien planet. She has to decide between a confortable life in the zoo or an unknown future somewhere else.


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