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This Montreal "Book Store" Is Giving Away All Of Its Books For Free

Nothing beats a good book.

Everyone knows about the Dollar Store, but did you know that Montreal also has a Zero Dollar Store?

It's a store in Saint Leonard with shelves packed full of electronics, games, toys, decorations, collectibles and everything else you could think of. But the one thing this store doesn’t have is a cash register.

A photo posted by Feyza Ülker Korkmaz. (@feyzaulkerr) on

The way it works is like this. Whenever you drop off items at donation center, whatever is sold gets sent to the Zero Dollar Store instead of ending up in the garbage.

And right now, the Zero Dollar Store is holding a special week dedicated entirely to books.

READ ALSO: Everything Is Free At This Montreal Store

They have thousands of book for kids, teens and adults. There are novels, dictionaries, comics, dictionaries and everything in between.

We know Montrealers love a good book sale and you won't find a better deal anywhere else in the city.

Book-Week ends on September 4th so hurry up or you'll be stuck picking through the leftovers.

For more information and check out their Facebook page here.

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