
How is everyone???

I hope everyone is healthy and Happy 🙂

First of all, as Mommy already shared in her previous post (here) WE HAVE A DADDY NOW!!! \(^_^)/

We are sooooo very happy that Mommy really keeps her words that when she decides to get marry, she will have someone who can accept us and loves us as well. We haven’t got pictures of us with him yet but we will soon 🙂

Mommy got married in December and then we straight away moved in to this rented house. We are no longer live in her school’s dormitory (You can read a bit about her getting married in link above). I am not bragging here…but I am proud to say that I am Daddy’s favorite 😉

Here’s a picture of our beloved Mommy and Daddy

Daddy and Mommy

In the house we are living now, we occupy the living room 😉

It’s a small living room so our tanks sort of fill the room and in this room Mommy lets us roam around at night…of course with extra caution to make sure we don’t get lost somewhere.


Look at how we enjoy our time at home 😉


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And…me, trying to be a ninja turtle 😉

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We no longer have the green parks that we always visited at school…but we still have the place to enjoy the sun….well more for Kroten to enjoys the sun and for Papoe and I to enjoy the adventure and the fun of seeing Mommy chasing us 😉

The Three of Us

Walking on concrete 😉

Kroten Kurome Papoe

That’s all from us 🙂

I hope you miss us while we are away because we sure miss you all ((hug))

About Kurome

Hi...My name is Kurome (Black turtle). I am a Chinemys Reveesii or Chinese Three-keeled Pond Turtle or Revee's Turtle to be short. I don't know how old I am but my Mommy adopted me on September 22, 2012

20 responses »

  1. It’s so great that you have a daddy now… and to be in the living room is great, so you are always with your pawrents :o)

  2. roro says:

    Congratz!! i am really happy for u and ur turtles!! Cant wait for other posts about ur turtles and their new daddy!! i hope u will be a cool Ninja Turtle when u grow up Kurome! 🙂

  3. Wazeau says:


  4. Mags says:

    Congratulations! We are so happy for all of you. Your mama and daddy are a very nice looking couple and you turtles are just amazing. Hugs and nose kisses from, me, Chancy and Pooh

  5. Sooooo HAPPY for you! Huge Congratulations!!! He is one handsome guy and you are sooooooo pretty!!! How did I not know this? xoxoxo DakotasDen

    • Novroz says:

      Thank you Caren 🙂
      Hahaha that’s because I prefer to avoid writing about him when were dating…now that we are under the same roof, then he is now part of the family.

  6. Binky says:

    Welcome back, guys! It sounds like there has been a lot of change going on in your world, but it all sounds very good. Everything is different, except mommy’s love for you, I’m sure.

  7. roro says:

    everytime i look at kame’s picture.. i remeber that she was a nice turtle 🙂 i miss her tho… and i know she that she is so proud of you 🙂 keep up the good work 😉

  8. Hachi_Pudding says:

    I have been following your posts since 2012 when I got my 2 baby peninsula cooters Hachi and Pudding, when I was living in London and searched “how to train your turtle” haha! Now I have moved to Hong Kong (brought Hachi and Pudding with me of course! And added 3 baby red eared sliders to the family). So lovely to the good changes in your life, wish you all happiness and good health! xxx

    • Novroz says:

      Hi hachi_puding,

      So sorry for this very late reply, I didn’t notice your comment before.
      You’re a such a good parent for bringing your little one wherever you go ((hug))

      • Hachi_Pudding says:

        Hi Novroz!

        Ooh thank you! *hugs back* That’s not a problem at all, we’re all busy nowadays ^^ One of my baby red eared sliders named “Cho Cho” (5cm shell length) is really special since day 1, he/she would always be waiting for me in the morning on a mini hill area in his house, when he/she sees me, would lift up his hand to try to reach me, so I would put out my hand and he would climb up. It’s not a call for food, just want to climb on my hand, and it’s not for warmth either because my hands are always room temperature (haha), I feel so blessed to find such a special turtle. I get a feeling he might be this baby RES (which I rescued but has passed away…) in his past life, and he still has memory of it… sounds silly? x)

      • Novroz says:

        Aaawww…you are SO LUCKY!!

        It’s not easy to find a turtle who instantly attached to you. I had that experience with Kame (the one that passed away 4 years ago). My other three turtles needed a bit of effort to start feeling attached to me. Take real good care of Cho cho because you got one special turtle there 😉

  9. xeristh says:

    Congrats for the marriage, Novi! And new house too!

    And I just realize, you’re the smallest turtle now!

Thank you for commenting :)