The Best of 2014

Rebel Ink Press has awarded me the honor of “Best of 2014”. I am so very honored and excited to be chosen for this award.

Best of RIP 2014

My relationship started with Rebel Ink Press in 2011 when they took a chance of me for an anthology submission that later published as a stand alone.

My Publication history with them has been as follows:

2011 The Galloping Ghoul of Hockomock Swamp in their editor pick anthology “Once Upon A Twisted Tale”.

2012 “The Galloping Ghoul of Hockomock Swamp” stand alone release and “Raynia’s Magic”
2013 “Beverly’s Secret“, “Phoenix Reborn“, “Dar’kind Promises” and “Dragon’s Unbound” (removed by Author in 2014 for re-writes and re-release as “Dragon Emergence” direct publication in 2015)
2014″Shifter’s Legacy” and “Emma’s New Year


The Series “The Amethyst Desire Collection” took shape with Vol 1 “Raynia’s Magic”,  Vol 2 “Beverly’s Secret,  Vol 3 “Phoenix Reborn”, Vol 4 “Shifter’s Legacy” and Vol 5 “Emma’s New Year”.

In particular “Beverly’s Secret” has continued to remain at the top of it’s genre classification at Amazon since it’s release in 2013, remaining in the top fifteen most of that time. All of these titles are Novellas and Novellettes. I am so pleased that RIP has continued to accept proposals and titles from me.  I love the staff at Rebel Ink Press and highly recommend them if you are looking for a publisher. I’m scoping our projects to submit to them in 2015 and look forward to our continued success.

And which are my two of my favorite covers created by Carl Franklin while he was working as a graphic artist at Rebel Ink Press? “The Galloping Ghoul” of course….and…..












“Beverly’s Secret”
















One response to “The Best of 2014

  1. Congrats, Eden! Way to go!