
Mary's Favorite Things...right now!

As I shared a few weeks ago, we have been in a full blown renovation on an 1890s farmhouse in Montecito for the last few months.  It has been exciting, overwhelming and inspiring all at once!  Much of my focus has been there the last few weeks as well as on the massive reorder we are doing as our perfume business and reach expands.  With all of the business and management going on, I am finding it more important than ever to find time for self-care, grounding and relaxing!  A lot of my fave things have to do with that right now...  and here they are.

Rita Chan of Rita Chan Interiors

I've never worked with an interior designer officially on a house other than consulting with dear friend and deisgner extraordinaire Jeffrey Alan Marks.  This house feels like it coulsd be our forever house and also there was SO much to do, I knew Napper and I couldn't do it alone.
I "won" a consult session at a charity auction with Rita who is good friends with some pals and loved her site.  We had our meeting and fell in love!  Rita is patient and brilliant and what might be a tedious endeavor -- picking out hardware or tile, becomes a fun outing.  I love Rita and am so grateful for her sweet chicness! 

 Rose Oil by Living Libations

I've been using the Sea Buckthorn Oil by Living Libations after cleansing before moisturizer for years and feel like it's really enhanced and maintained my skin.  Their rose variation is my new fave-- as it feels a little more luxe and feminine!  And swear my skin feels glowier than ever!! 

You'll Grow Out of It by Jessi Klein

Life has been busy and a little heavy/overwhelming from time to time.  This collection of essays (thanks for the rec, Joyce!) are the perfect thing to read before bed.  Has had me laughing out loud and feeling some community with other women out there trying to find balance and overachieve.... 

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards
These cards have been uncanny!!  They are a favorite with friends during cocktail hour and have again been a comfort and inspiration for feeling some support from the beyond....  gosh, guess I have been feeling a little overwhelmed and a bit like an island, lately! 

Post Ranch Inn

This place is magical and I've been dreaming about returning after Napper and I spent a glorious night there 5 years ago.  Planning a getaway for the end of the month.....  stay tuned.  All I have to say about this place, is that it is worth it!

Holiday Shopping events for The First!

Come see us in LA on December 6th at Local Mercato and again on December 9th at the Fess Parker Winecountry Inn & Spa in Los Olivos.  We will be at both selling The First for the holidays!  It makes a fantastic gift- for yourself and the women in your life who appreciate and can benefit from some aromatherapy goddess support!! 

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