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Your Weekly Tax Tip

Ideas for a Great Refund
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Tip Category: Planning

Three of every four Americans got a refund check last year according to IRS statistics. With a little planning, you can maximize the benefit of your refund. Here are some ideas:

Pay off debt. If you have debt, a great spending priority can be to reduce or eliminate it. This is especially true if you have any credit card debt. With rate increases, credit card interest can cripple you financially. Start by paying down debts with the highest interest rates and work your way down the list until you bring your debt burden down to a manageable level.

Save for retirement. Saving for retirement works like debt, but in reverse. The longer you set aside money for retirement, the more time you give the power of compound earnings to work for you. This money can even continue working for you long after you retire. Consider depositing some or all of your refund check into a Traditional or Roth IRA. You can contribute a total of $7,000 to an IRA in 2024, or $8,000 if you're 50 years old or older.

Save for a home. Home ownership is a source of wealth and stability for many Americans. If you don't own a home yet, consider building up a down payment fund using some of your refund. If you already own a home, consider using your refund to start paying your mortgage off early. This is especially important if you have a recent mortgage with higher interest rates.

Invest in yourself. Sometimes the best investment isn't financial, but personal. If there's a course of study or conference that would improve your skills or knowledge, that could be a wise use of your money in the long run.

Give some of it away. Helping people, and being able to deduct gifts and charity from your next tax return, isn't the only benefit of giving to a good cause.

Category: Planning

Published: 05/03/2024

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