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News Clash

BREAKING: Wikileaks’ Founder Found DEAD

It’s the timing that is making people wonder.

The news is not relating to Julian Assange. It refers to Professor Gavin MacFadyen. He was the 76-year-old Director of Wikileaks and founder of Center for Investigative Journalism.

This was the opening address he gave at the Center for Investigative Journalism this summer:

And the Twitter message from his wife (retweeted by Wikileaks) confirms that he has died.

The publication announced the death of the beloved director by posting a photo and tribute to their Twitter account. The message was signed “JA” indicating that it came directly from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange; however, it is currently unknown at this time how Assange gained internet access as he recently had his access cut by the Ecuadorian Embassy over potential election “interference” charges.

WikiLeaks also posted a statement from MacFadyen’s wife, Susan Benn, to the social media account. Inquisitor

Of course the looming question over all this is, was foul play involved? After all, there are already a few questionable deaths that have sprung up a cottage industry of conspiracy theories including Justice Antonin Scalia, Andrew Breitbart, DNC staffer Seth Rich who may have known a thing or two about voter registration. We’ll let you decide what they all have in common.

Regarding MacFayden, The cause of death has not been released. However, in the original post from wife Susan, the statement indicated he passed away from “a short illness.” The line about the “short illness” was removed and no further word has been given on his exact cause of death. However, postings indicate he may have been ill in the days leading up to his death.


Let us hope this is simply a sad passing of dedicated man, and nothing more. Allen B West

What was he like as a person? Here are the words the CIJ used to describe his legacy:

Over his lifetime Gavin was a fierce defender of justice and human rights around the world. He was a warm, caring, larger-than-life person who, as many will attest, engendered love and respect from all who met him. His life and how he lived it were completely in sync with the principles that he held dear and practiced as a journalist and educator – to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Gavin founded the Centre for Investigative Journalism in 2003 to address the worsening media climate for in-depth, skeptical and adversarial reporting. Over the next 13 years he helped train thousands of reporters from over 35 countries, many of which are places where journalism is under attack and those who speak out are at enormous risk. His students have gone on to great things in their careers and can point to Gavin as a mentor and inspiration. He has touched countless lives; his steadfast support for whistleblowers and journalists working in difficult environments has saved and given succor to some of the globe’s most threatened individuals and groups. He was the model of what a journalist should be.

Shortly before the election, where the Federal Government has strongarmed a foreign embassy to cut the internet service of someone taking refuge there, and people, mere days ago people were afraid some undefined terrible fate had fallen upon Assange. He has made powerful enemies through Wikileaks, to the point where Hillary asked if they could hit him with a drone strike. That’s cold-blooded murder.

That same weekend, the founder shows up dead.

Could it be innocent causes? Possibly. He’s 76.

But Hillary’s team has done nothing to quiet the suspicion that she (or at least, proxies working on her behalf with or without her direct knowledge). And we know the statistical improbability of the raw number of deaths which came at a convenient time for the Clintons. People who know where… er… the ‘bodies were buried’.

Google BURIES ‘Clinton Body Count’ Searches – LUCKILY We Have Them HERE

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