Sunday Musings ~ Lighten Up, Get INto Gear and INto The Flow!

Are you aware of how seriously you take life? Would you take it that seriously if you knew without a shadow of doubt that there is no way you could ever fail or make a wrong move in this game called “Life on Planet Earth”?

What if this game, which is mastered by the Universe, ensures at all times that you are connected to an eternal and everlasting Flow which is ALL things including abundance, and yes that includes the “M’ word…. Money! The Flow can be likened to a fast flowing and never ending sparkling clear mountain stream. Can you picture it? It flows with diamonds Beloveds!

But what if the downside to the game is your forgetting of this very fact?

So I’m here to remind you with this message today to Lighten up! Light-en the load, so to speak.

Get your vibes UP there and get IN to gear and IN to the Flow!

Whenever a little nagging doubt enters your high vibe mind and tries to take you out of gear, just cast it aside and say to “No thanks! Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!”  I can just see that old T-shirt… it is worn right through and full of holes already!

Every move you make is teaching you something of value in this game, therefore there is no wrong move. You DO have the power to move in the direction of your choosing. This game board has an infinite number of directions to choose from. There is not just one way, but many, and each serve you with a different purpose. And get this…. Each one will get you to your intended destination! Some sooner than others, but that is par for the course.

Why not let the Universe serve you for a change? Do you have any idea what you are doing for the Universe? I thought not. Your work here is imperative to the ascension of this Planet. Without your Light, Planet Earth would not be as en-Lightened as she is right now.

So please, don’t be so hard on yourself. Remember who you are and look upon this life as a joy ride! En-joy the ride Beloveds! This truly is a game of joy and happiness right now when you get into a positive gear.

Are you not tired of trying so hard?

Let it all go.

All it takes a change of mind, that is all. Just say to yourself right here and right now:

“That’s it! I’m done with this game challenging me and making me feel powerless and small. It’s my turn to play now and I intend to step into my divinity and my power and play this game to my advantage. No more down turns and no more road blocks for me!”

You are loved, truly loved! Can you feel it?

We Love you! Have a sparkling clear High Vibe Diamond Day!


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