​Go find yourself…

I could sit here 

Asking myself 

All the questions 

I don’t have answers for.
I could stare 

Into the flames

Of the fire in front of me

Recalling all that has happened.
Those memories 

Play back 

Like a film

In my mind, 
So vividly.

The heat from your fingertips 

As you play with my head 

After I cut my hair,
The soft of your breath 

As you fell asleep 

While you played,

It amused me so.
I remember 

Feeling your racing heart beat

In your palm 

The day you met my family.
Then I see 

The day you left 

And I hear what you told me, 

That you needed to go find yourself.
There is no way 

I could have loved you

The way I was meant to 

Because you wouldn’t let me.
For me to love you 

It would be with all of who I am

Not half of me 

Or when your self-esteem needs a pick me up.
I have been hurt to much

To accept anything less 

Than all of you

So I wish you well 
As you find yourself

But look elsewhere because 

You won’t find yourself here with me 

That chance has passed…

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