LJCC Serves LINK! 
Thursday, May 25

 Dear Friends,

This month has gone so quickly, I completely forgot to send the LINK reminder out. Our date to serve at LINK (Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen) is Thursday, May 25 (tomorrow)!  Right now, NO ONE is signed up to help!!!  Please sign up to bring food,  serve, or clean up.   This helps us plan for the day.  We always need more help in the kitchen, and people to bring casseroles, bread and fruit!

LINK is located at the corner of 10th and Kentucky, downstairs in the First Christian Church building.  You can drop food off from 11:30 - 12:30, be there to help serve at 12:30pm, or clean up at 1:15pm on the 25th.  If it's not convenient for you to drop food off at the church, you may drop it by the LJCC before 11am on the 25th, and someone will get it there for you.

We're using SignUp.com (formerly Volunteer Spot) to organize our upcoming Sign-ups.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-up on SignUp.com: http://signup.com/go/qeWesh
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.

Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me at 841-7636 or ljcc@sunflower.com and I can sign you up manually.

These are some of the things that are especially needed:

Help in the kitchen!!! (Both serving & clean up).

Pasta Casseroles - 13x9 pan, with or without meat

Milk -  gallon jugs of 2%

Fruit - 30 pieces of fresh fruit, or #10 cans 

Vegetables - #10 cans

Bread - white or wheat

Call the office if you have questions or want Marty to sign up for you!


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