

The Science Museum And The Natural History Museum Had A Hilarious Fight On Twitter


Robin Andrews

Science & Policy Writer

The new blue whale skeleton hanging up in London's Natural History Museum. elRol/Shutterstock

London has two of the most glorious and wonderful museums the world has ever seen: the Natural History Museum – full of dinosaurs and volcanoes – and the Science Museum, full of bright lights, rockets and shiny things. It’s difficult to say which is best, but a Twitter user @Bednarz decided to ask them anyway.

“Who would win in a staff battle between @sciencemuseum and @NHM_London,” he queried. “What exhibits/items would help you be victorious? #askacurator


Marvelously, both institutions took the call. Forget the Civil War between the Avengers – this is the one you really want to pay attention to. There’s little else to be said but to sit back and enjoy the tweets.


So what say you, Natural History Museum (NHM)?


The Science Museum wasn't having any of that.


Shots fired.


Robot wars.

What the fresh hell is that?

It's all getting a bit apocalyptic here.


Hmm, not so sure about this one, Science Museum.


Who doesn't love a good eruption every now and again?


Bringing a water pistol to a firefight?


Nice soundtrack.


Won't someone please think of the children?


...this goes on for some time, and the original question asker starts to worry about the consequences of his curiosity.


Too late. The war has begun, and it shall never cease. Oh, the humanity!


Whose side are you on, dear readers? Let us know in the comments section. (We're Team NHM, by the way. What can beat dinosaurs and volcanoes, seriously?)


  • tag
  • volcanoes,

  • fight,

  • twitter,

  • science museum,

  • civil war,

  • natural history museum,

  • science wars