‘In the footsteps of the yogis’ …

It is a great pleasure to recommend a small and quite unique tour company called Shivaloka, founded by Westerners Daniel and Karen (Kalyani) Uppendahl who have made their home in Ganeshpuri, the home of Bhagavan Nityananda and famous for Swami Muktananda, near Mumbai in India. They are supported by a number of Western and Indian professionals associated with travel, yoga, philosophy and holistic therapies.

Shivaloka run a very small number of specialist tours in India, which we couldn’t recommend more highly. In the Footsteps of the Yogis is one of them, and offers a quite unique experience to explore Indian spirituality with some knowledgeable and passionate Indiaphiles.

In the Footsteps of the Yogis

Setting out from Mumbai in November 2010 & January 2011. Book now before it becomes on-the-beaten-track, as it features the Eat, Pray & Love village from the book! Your chance to connect with the yogis of India. Meditate on mountain tops, in caves & ancient temples where yogis meditated. Take in rural villages, cities, tribal landscapes and World class sites. Run by a professional team of Western and Indian staff with years of experience. Massage & yoga available. It’s a tour and a retreat. Profits support the Saha Astitva Eco-farm.

“Travelling to India with Shivaloka’s hand picked tours connects you directly with her spirit, people and yogic culture. With a deep understanding and respect for the rich spiritual heritage of India’s Maharashtra region, we safely guide you or your group off the beaten track to experience a rare authenticity. We invite you to open your hearts and minds to the transforming energy that is abundant in India, our home.”

“Meeting the swami under his tree in the garden was a beautiful experience. After some chai and cookies he led us through the garden and showed us the cave where a yogi used to meditate. As soon as I entered the cave I felt a tremendous energy, it was so intense that I had difficulty leaving the cave, my body felt warm and was tingling all over. When I walked outside I felt I was somewhere else. Another beautiful experience.” Sharda ten Hove, Holland

All profits go to the Saha Astitva Foundation’s organic demonstration farm and tribal support project near Mumbai, in the land of the yogis. An experimental farm and model aimed at restoring biodiversity and bringing sustainable livelihoods to tribal people so they don’t have to end up in the slums of Mumbai.

You can view the itinerary here
Visit Shivaloka’s website here (and tell them Indiaphile recommended them!)