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Chad Kagy Falls 40 Feet In Nasty X-Games BMX Big Air Crash

Thursday night's X-Games action is in the books and the crashes may have overshadowed the actual tricks. Travis Pastrana went down hard attempting a rodeo 720, reportedly injuring his foot or ankle in the process. Just before Pastrana went down, another rider knocked himself out attempting a front flip. It seemed as though the gruesome crashes were coming one after another.

And then there's Chad Kagy. The mega-ramp, as it's called, always seems to produce some kind of wicked wreck. It's not so much the long gap that does riders in, though. Instead, once a skateboarder or bmx bike rider clears the gap, they then have to throw another trick, on a massive quarterpipe that launches them some 40 feet in the air.

Kagy stuck the landing on the gap, hit the quarter-pipe and came tumbling back to Earth without getting his bike back under him, falling some 40 feet and landing in what looked to be a painful position. Kagy reportedly suffered a broken femur from the fall.


Via Sports Grid

If it's any consolation, Kagy won bronze in the event.

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