Prohibit Attractions Involving the Use of Animals. Example: Carrousel of Ponies for Children

Prohibit Attractions Involving the Use of Animals. Example: Carrousel of Ponies for Children

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Prohibit Attractions Involving the Use of Animals. Example: Carrousel of Ponies for Children

Addressed to: Valladolid City Hall

We must stop such attractions as it is a type of animal abuse. There are many attractions where you can ride without harming any living being, they deserve a better life.

The profit from the suffering of animals should be prohibited by law, is abuse, it's like hitting them. Make them work all day without necessary breaks and cares generates unnecessary suffering on animals. It is to take them to slavery and that we should not allow it.

That is why I ask the City of Valladolid prohibiting all attractions that use animals.

Thank you


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