psychic readings  +   intuition  & empath classes

for experiencing your best life  

*Psychic Guide *Author

*Intuition & empath teacher 

Here is what happens upon your purchase of

Empath Tools Holiday Support:

 You'll be sent to a webpage where you will have immediate access to

  • your Empath Tools Holiday Support video workshop
  • Your Empath Tools Holiday Support workbook
  • Your bonus "Clearing Your Energy and Setting Your Boundary" audio
  • A link to join our private Facebook group
  • Your "2 Rules for Every Empath to Know" video

As I said, this is a limited time offer. 

It is only available for purchase during select times

in November and December. 

And then, it's gone.

So if you are ready to transform the overwhelm of your holiday season

AND add sparkle instead– now is your time.  :) ​​

It's a limited time offer.

I offer it only for a week or two this time of year.

​​It is more than possible to move through the holidays, even as your sensitive empathic self, with ease and grace.  

With the right tools—you can skate through this season with panache and aplomb, adding your own natural genuine sparkle as you do.

Do you find yourself even more overwhelmed by the energy of others during this time of year?

Do you find yourself "over yesing"–  or saying yes to every need that arises because you can feel that it exists?  And then feeling the complete burn-out that comes from doing so?

Perhaps you have the consistent role of "peacemaker" in your family– you are always the one trying to soothe everyone and help them get along– but by the end of it all you feel exhausted.

Overwhelm and depletion can add up fast when you are exposed to even more than you usually are AND when you are built like a porous sponge soaking up what you come in contact with!  

Let me tell you– it doesn't have to be that way!

These are life changing tools!  Thank you!!!

–Britt N.

Empath Tools Holiday Support

It's a downloadable workshop (via video) that you can watch from wherever you happen to be in the world!  You'll be here with me in my studio, learning the practices that will help you skate through this time of year without taking on EVERYTHING around you.

You will learn and recieve:

* Are you ready to move through the holidays with ease and grace?​

* Are you ready for tools that will allow you NOT to be picking up and absorbing everything you come into contact with?

* Are you ready to have the tools that will allow you to stay in touch with your own needs even when you are surrounded by others?

Then this program for you! ​

Yes! I'm ready for my workshop now!

Good Karma Guarantee

The practices that you gave me in your Empath Tools Workshop are so helpful! Even just the first exercise has made a HUGE difference in my life! Thank you so much for all that you offer.

–Anna J.

Empaths feel everything.

That means around the holidays things can get a bit intense for us. 

This time of year typically brings increased exposure to more people– whether it is your whole office at the holiday party, folks out shopping and events,  or members of your family who you rarely see but with whom you have long-standing and sometimes complicated relationships.

Not to mention people are typically more stressed during this time of year.  So guess what?  You pick up on that too.  Your stress AND their stress is running through your circuits. Ugh!!

Program Cost:

I want you to have tools that will help you handle your office holiday party, or your family get together where the relationships are complicated, enmeshed, and old, or even just a trip or two to the mall.  

I don’t want you to have to plow through your life completely exhausted and depleted by it all because on top of your own stress everyone else's is running through your body too… Because you don’t have to.

[Workshop Value: $480]​
Workshop Price: $112
(That's $368 off!)


I put a lot into my programs.  I know the techniques I teach work because I've used them for years and I have many graduates from my Intuition University programs who attest to their efficacy.  However, just so you can feel confident that you are putting money into something that you know will benefit you I offer a risk free guarantee for this program.

If you watch my training and feel that NOTHING in it can serve you–  you have 48 hours from the time of your purchase to let me know and I will return your money and wish you well.  If you request a refund you'll be required to send me your completed workbook as well so that I can be sure you gave it your best effort and aren't just being wishy washy or just checking it out.   After 48 hours your purchase is not refundable.

I'm that confident about the programs that I create and the techniques that I teach.  I feel solid that this is going to give you tools that will help you navigate the holiday season with more ease and grace.  Enjoy!

By the end of your program, you will have all the tools you need and your own personalized plan of action for to navigating the holidays with ease.

* How to clear your own energy and create natural boundaries for yourself.

* Two important rules it would help every empath to know.

* A technique that will help you not “over yes” or exhaust yourself by trying to fix or save everyone.

*How to make more gracefull those times you feel the tension of others but know it is not your place to help.

* The highest service of being empathic.

* A key practice that will help you achieve the highest service (rather than just being exhausted by         your ability.)

​* Access to the video recording where I teach you all the above tools so you can watch it again as the holidays go on.  Or next year!

* An Empath Tools Holiday Support Workbook to help you make the most of what you learned and to guide you through coming up with a game plan for those empathically tricky moments.

*A bonus MP3 of the energy clearing and boundary creating audio that you can listen to anytime. 

* Access to an Empath Tools Holiday Support private Facebook group where you can ask questions, make comments, and meet other empaths.