Transformational Fiction discussion

Book Club Reads > 2016 July Book Club-Song of Silence

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message 1: by Jessica (new)

Jessica White | 45 comments Mod
We'll be talking about the book all month long here on Goodreads. Share your favorite quotes, characters, how God uses the book to move in your heart.

message 2: by Barb (new)

Barb (franciscanmom) | 1 comments This is one of the best books I read all year. Already purchased an additional copy to give as a gift.

message 3: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn (cmastfalk) | 2 comments Looking forward to joining in on this one!

message 4: by Sam (new)

Sam B | 54 comments Mod
This book sounds awesome! I'm so excited to be reading it with you guys!

message 5: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments And if you have any questions for the author, I'm here. :)

message 6: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Or I'll disappear, if you'd like to discuss without my presence.

message 7: by Jessica (new)

Jessica White | 45 comments Mod
Your presence is always welcome Cynthia! I'll be getting my copy in the next few days (silly holiday weekends). Can't wait to get get started (well if I'm honest I've already read the first bit on the free preview on Amazon...because I couldn't wait.

message 8: by Sam (new)

Sam B | 54 comments Mod
I got my copy late June. I have a few books I need to finish and then I'm diving right in :D

message 9: by Jessica (new)

Jessica White | 45 comments Mod
Mine came Thursday but I had to have dental work done. I hope to finish it tomorrow so we can start talking.

message 10: by Caryl (new)

Caryl | 24 comments My library has it ordered. I'll be the first to read it when it arrives. I'm looking forward to joining the discussion.

message 11: by Caryl (new)

Caryl | 24 comments Song of silence has arrived at my library!!! Tomorrow I'll be gone most of the day to Bible study. I'll begin reading on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to this discussion.

message 12: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Richmond | 11 comments I'm enjoying the Song of Silence! The tension between Charlie who is trying to do his best and Lucy who is grieving. The importance of music education. The necessity of chocolate. Rotten Evelyn Schindler needs to be drenched with sugary lemonade and hit over the head with a bee hive. Or forced to drink Charlie's worm tea. Can't wait to see where Cynthia Ruchti takes this story!

message 13: by Jessica (last edited Jul 12, 2016 07:40PM) (new)

Jessica White | 45 comments Mod
I love Charlie and Lucy's relationship dynamic too. I'm in one of those marriages where we deal with things differently. When I'm sick or upset I want attention and my husband wants privacy, so we tend to come at each other with our own love language instead of the one the person needs. I see that with Charlie. I bet when he is hurting he wants fun diversion and help. Whereas Lucy seems to want quiet time to reflect and personal work to keep her busy. I'm about 1/3 through, hopefully will have time to finish tomorrow.

message 14: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Richmond | 11 comments Every story needs a wise woman and Song of Silence's is Olivia. I have a daughter like that, who's wonderful about running interference for me when I'm too weak to stand up for myself.

This story is so meaty - so many profound, deep thoughts on every page - except the pages with worm jokes - hehehe!

message 15: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Barb wrote: "This is one of the best books I read all year. Already purchased an additional copy to give as a gift."

Thank you, Barb! That warmed my heart. Glad you enjoyed the story.

message 16: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Catherine wrote: "I'm enjoying the Song of Silence! The tension between Charlie who is trying to do his best and Lucy who is grieving. The importance of music education. The necessity of chocolate. Rotten Evelyn Sch..."

Catherine, your comment about Evelyn made me laugh so hard! There's more--even--to HER story. :)

message 17: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Jessica wrote: "I love Charlie and Lucy's relationship dynamic too. I'm in one of those marriages where we deal with things differently. When I'm sick or upset I want attention and my husband wants privacy, so we ..."

Jessica, your thoughts gave me courage. Some readers can't identify with the way Lucy and Charlie operate. But I believe there are enough of us who are saying, "Finally! Someone is telling my story!" :)

message 18: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Catherine wrote: "Every story needs a wise woman and Song of Silence's is Olivia. I have a daughter like that, who's wonderful about running interference for me when I'm too weak to stand up for myself.

This story ..."

I had fun making the wisdom woman in Song of Silence much like my own daughter, Amy, in the way she is a calming influence and an insightful influence. So happy to know you have a daughter like that, too, Catherine!

message 19: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Richmond | 11 comments Just reached the midpoint where Olivia adds another piece to the Evelyn puzzle! And I'm going to tell the speech therapists I work with that you wrote about their work! So funny that he's a former student!

message 20: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Gotta love that guy!

message 21: by Jessica (new)

Jessica White | 45 comments Mod
So the HHATT club has me wondering how many 'groups' there are out there that masquerade as book clubs? :) I do love the fact that they are writing an advice book together. More important I love the fact this book reminds us that we need to lean into one another to come up with solutions instead of just gossip and complain like so much of our social media era does.

message 22: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments My girlfriend critique partner asked me, "So, when are we forming our own HHATT club?"

message 23: by Sam (new)

Sam B | 54 comments Mod
I still have a few books to finish and then I'm reading this one :D and joining the discussion!

message 24: by Caryl (new)

Caryl | 24 comments Bless Charlie's heart.... He's such a fixer.

I love Dr. Hanley's insight and wisdom.

I love the term "Hemmed Honesty".

I am seeing so many ways to apply what Lucy is learning to my own life.

Cynthia, this is an incredible story! Thank you for writing it.

message 25: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Thank you so much, Caryl!

message 26: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Richmond | 11 comments I have a list of Zingers on my website. The trouble with with Song of Silence will be to figure out which Zinger - so MANY great lines!

message 27: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments Love this comment, Catherine!

message 28: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Richmond | 11 comments Monday I got dragged into a "situation". Like Lucy, I need to stop saying "Sure" when I mean "No"!

message 29: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Ruchti | 11 comments SMILING!

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