Recycling your junk car is an environmentally conscious way to get cash and potentially a tax deduction. Automotive recycling is good for the environment: 86% of the materials from your car can be reused or recycled.[1] The process of recycling your car might seem overwhelming at first because there are so many options that promise great deals for your car. However, you should choose the option that provides the most environmentally friendly service in exchange for a fair rate and payoff.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Choosing a Car Recycling Service

  1. The amount of car recycling options you have will vary greatly based on where you live. Conduct a web search for automotive recycling. Ask your mechanic which automotive recycling service they would most recommend. Look at user reviews of these services and find a few that seem professional and convenient.
    • You can also sell your own car part by part, but it is easier and safer to go through an alternative service. You would need to take the parts out of your own car or go through many different buyers. This process is a possibility, but not the safest or most efficient way to recycle your car.
  2. Some charities will take cars, sell them to automotive recycling services, use the money for charity, and then give you a tax deduction. Look at your state or country’s tax laws to get an idea of how much money you would be able to claim on your taxes. Seek the help of an accountant if you are confused.
    • Keep all documents from the recycling transaction in one place so that you can find them easily when it is time to do your taxes or you need to give them to your accountant.
  3. Every car recycling service is different, but many of them will include services that make it easy for you to recycle your car and reap the benefits of doing so. Here are some services that car recycling services might provide:
    • Free quotes
    • Dealing with paperwork (transferring the title, registration, etc.)
    • Pickup
    • Cash vs. check payoff
    • Tax deductions (and help with that paperwork)[2]
  4. The Automotive Recyclers Association, an international organization that provides standards and best practices for recycling cars, gives out a Certified Automotive Recycler (CAR) certification to businesses that uphold their safety and environmental standards. Contact potential car recycling services (or look on their websites) to see if they have this certification or perhaps another certification. You want to ensure that your car will be recycled well and in accordance with the best standards and practices.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Preparing Your Car for Recycling

  1. Check in the glove compartment, the trunk, the seatback pockets, the console, the visors, CD player, and the area underneath the seats. The car recycling service cannot recycle your soda cans or forgotten sweatshirts. Be sure to take your registration out, too. Use up your gas or siphon it out of the car and save it.[3]
  2. Don’t pay for insurance on a car that you no longer own. Call your insurance company as soon as you make arrangements with the recycling service to let your agent know what is happening with the car.[4]
  3. Research what to do with them based on the laws and regulations of your area. You might be able to use them on a different car or return them to the automotive department in your area.
  4. You will need the registration and/or title of your car, and you might need to bring your license plates.[5] Many automotive recycling services will do this step for you, but, if not, look online to figure out how to do this for your specific area (it varies, depending on location).
  5. When arranging a time for the towers to come get your car (or, if it still runs, for you to drop it off), choose a time when you can physically be there to watch the car get towed away. Take a photo for your records. When the driver comes to tow your car, make sure that he is clearly from the correct automotive recycling company.
  6. Often, this certificate can only be given to you after the vehicle has been dropped off at the facility where it will be recycled.[6] Check in with the company to make sure that this has been mailed or that you otherwise have proof that your car has been recycled. You might need this document for your tax deduction.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How much can I receive from recycleing an old car? Just a ball park figure.
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    At a scrap yard you can get a few hundred bucks. Or you could sell it on Craigslist.
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  • Recycle junk cars in a timely manner. Some cities give fines to people who leave debris or unsightly junk cars parked on the street, or even on private property, for a long period of time.
  • Pay attention to governmental programs. The 2009 Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), otherwise known as Cash for Clunkers, resulted in the recycling of 680,000 cars through dealers. Americans were then given a rebate in order to help them buy more fuel efficient vehicles.


  • Vet your automotive recycling service thoroughly. Beware of scams that will take your car and leave you with nothing!

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Updated: January 31, 2023
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