Thousands of people turned out in Derry today for what is intended to be the last ever Bloody Sunday protest march.

Many lined the route of this afternoon's parade from the Creggan area to Guildhall Square in the city on what is the 39th anniversary of the atrocity.

Fourteen people were killed when British paratroopers opened fire on a civil rights march in Derry's Bogside area on 30 January 1972.

Organisers say they believe the event should now come to an end following the publication of the Saville Report last year which exonerated those killed and injured in the shootings.

The inquiry held that the actions of British soldiers in Derry that day were 'both unjustified and unjustifiable'.

Relatives of the victims are now considering a number of options regarding how future anniversaries should be marked.

Families attending the march today held banners which read ‘Vindicated’.