5 ways to shop healthy and save money

Kate DuHadway
Lansing State Journal

What's the difference between white and whole wheat bread? Are fresh or frozen vegetables better for you? What should you look for on a nutrition label?

A cashier at Fresh Thyme in East Lansing rings up groceries at the end of the Lettuce Live Well grocery store tour Monday.

East Lansing-based nonprofit Lettuce Live Well answers these questions and more with free grocery store tours in East Lansing. At the end of the tour, participants get $10 to buy a complete, healthy meal.

How much do you know about shopping healthy and smart? Read on to find out.

Tip No. 1: Your plate should look like this

Half of your plate -- and half of your shopping cart too -- should be fruits and veggies, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines.

Many people are used to thinking of protein, especially meat, as the main dish of a meal, said Kelly Zielinski, president and CEO of Lettuce Live Well. Try giving fruits and vegetables the spotlight, and plan your meal around them instead.

And when it comes to protein, think about more than meat, Zielinski said. Beans, nuts, seeds and eggs are all great sources of protein, and usually less expensive too.

The USDA My Plate guidelines.

Tip No. 2: Whole grains are best

Just because something says "wheat" doesn't mean it's whole wheat. The only way to be sure is to read the ingredients list, and look for whole grains as the first ingredient.

Whole grains pack the most nutrition, while white flours and breads essentially break down into sugars in the body, Zielinski said.

If you're watching your carbs, you can subtract the fiber from the total carbs and get a good idea of how nutritious that loaf of bread really is.

Participants in the Lettuce Live Well grocery store tour compare nutrition labels at Fresh Thyme in East Lansing Monday.

Tip No. 3: Fresh or frozen?

We know we should eat our veggies, but what's the best way to buy them? Frozen, fresh or canned?

There is no "best" way to buy produce, according to Cooking Matters in the Store, a national program aimed at reducing childhood hunger. Each type, however, has its pros and cons.

Fresh: Whenever possible, buy fresh fruits and vegetables from local growers while they're in season. Not only will they taste better and be better for you, they're also cheaper as well. Get those fresh Michigan blueberries while they're on sale, then freeze and enjoy them throughout the year.

Frozen: A cost-effective way to buy produce when it's not in season, frozen fruits and veggies can keep for up to six months without nutrient loss. In packaged foods, watch out for added sodium, sugar or fat.

Canned: Cans of produce last two to four years and can be cost-effective during the off season. Avoid added sodium, sugar and fat, and be sure to choose fruit canned in juice, not syrup.

The vegetable aisle at Fresh Thyme in East Lansing.

Tip No. 4: Read the labels

One of the most important things to watch out for is added sugars, Zielinski said, and that includes foods we might normally think of as healthy, like sports drinks or yogurt.

"Fruit on the bottom" yogurts have some of the most added sugar, in order to keep the fruit from going bad. For a healthier option, buy plain yogurt and mix in your own fruit instead.

Watch out for serving sizes, then compare it with how much you're actually going to eat.

Read the nutrition labels carefully.

Tip No. 5: Take the $10 challenge

Next time you're at the grocery store, challenge yourself to buy a healthy meal with fruit, veggies, grain and protein for under $10.

At the end of each Lettuce Live Well grocery store tour, participants take home a booklet of tips and recipes and $10 worth of healthy groceries, thanks to support from East Lansing's Fresh Thyme grocery store and a grant from Cooking Matters in the Store.

To reserve a spot in the next grocery store tour, contact Lettuce Live Well at (517) 898-1870 or visit

A complete meal with fruit, vegetables, protein and dairy, for under $10.