
Images from the 1970’s have been running on social media in response of PBS’s series on the decade.  One image inspired this poem:

Local Graffiti


Violence is a small thing.

It is a girl child running through the jungle, arms stretched out

mouth open in silent cry, clothes seared from her body.

It is a small thing.

Violence is an act of war.

It is a jetliner ripping a skyscraper in half. It is men detonating the bombs they strap to their bodies. It is women being gang raped on the back of busses.

Violence is the sting of a mother’s slap on her young son’s frozen cheek.

Non-violence begins when I remember that violence doesn’t ask for much.

Because violence is a small thing.  

Violence begins when I wake to curse the haggard reflection staring back at me.

Violence ends when I wake and offer thanks for my humble life.

Violence begins when I whisper secrets that belong to someone else.

It ends when I sit in quiet contemplation.

Violence begins when I fill my eyes with gratuitous images.

It ends when I change the channel.

Violence. Non-violence. Ahimsa. Himsa.

Two sides of the same coin that we toss into the air without a second thought.

One thought on “Ahimsa

  1. Manjiri Subhash

    Such beautiful and powerful thoughts on Ahimsa and Himsa! Thank you for putting them out there.

    Health and Peace! Manjiri

    On Jun 27, 2015 12:40 PM, “Practically Twisted: Yoga for Life” wrote: > > Mimm posted: “Images from the 1970’s have been running on social media in response of PBS’s series on the decade. One image inspired this poem: Ahimsa Violence is a small thing. It is a girl child running through the jungle, arms stretched out mouth op” >


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