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Are You Channeling Michael Jackson?

Updated on November 11, 2014

Nina's Story: Endymion Oracles Book Trailer

Standing By Your Side

Portrait by James R. Griffin
Portrait by James R. Griffin | Source

You Might Be Channeling Michael Jackson if... feel as if you are living an updated version of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Remember Richard Dreyfuss frantically rushing around, collecting things to build the mountain in his kitchen?

Since June 25, 2009 some amazing things have been happening. Hundreds of groups have formed on Facebook. Thousands of people think that they may be going crazy. It's okay. I'm here to help. If you're here - you are probably one of the uniquely loving people on Earth today that has picked up the message of a spirit who lived one lifetime as Michael Joseph Jackson. His is a singularly sweet voice.

Over the past three years, have you ever gotten into your car, turned on the radio, and heard one of his songs without changing the station? Has this happened over and over - perfectly timed so that you would BE in your car, on your way to work, dropping off your child at school, or last minute shopping for an ingredient you needed for dinner? Or when you walk into the store – there’s a Jackson Five song blaring and it feels like, “Hello! I knew you’d be here just at this moment!”

Have you started to see license plate numbers with his birth date all over the place? Do you suddenly feel compelled to write poetry filled with the messages contained in his songs?

Now we're getting serious. Have you grieved over losing him, as if your heart would burst? Does it feel as if you lost your best friend or family member? Does your chest feel like a boulder is permanently crushing your heart as you are trying to make your way through an otherwise normal day? If any of these things sound familiar to you, you may be channeling Michael.

Have you begun to plan your months around a worldwide Major Love Prayer on the 25th? Do you look forward to visiting Forest Lawn in Glendale, California, even if you don't have any relatives resting there? Do you invest in white roses or sunflowers to show your love for someone you've never met? If you find yourself compelled to do these things, guess what? You may be channeling Michael.

Most importantly, do you feel a renewed or completely foreign deep need to contribute to projects or charities that help the sick, the needy, the down-trodden, or the helpless? Your heart has been pricked; your passions have been peaked. You MUST now do this. You feel driven to make the world a better place. You are more than a fan. You are becoming love’s hands, feet and mouthpiece on Earth.

It is happening all over the world. You are not crazy. You are loved and you love...deeply enough to answer the call of an angel.

You may get tripped up by all of the groups that are trying to right the wrongs done to the human Michael. You may find yourself reading book after book about his lifetime as Michael Jackson. If these things trouble you, you will probably realize in time, that all that really matters is NOW. Don't get paralyzed by the past. Keep your eyes on what you can DO now.

MichaeLuna & Angel Michael Oracles

Great Christmas Gift for MJ Fans!
Great Christmas Gift for MJ Fans! | Source
On Amazon Now!
On Amazon Now! | Source

We Aren't Waiting for Something - We are DOING It Now

It isn't that we are all gathering for the return of Captain EO's spaceship, but I won't limit Michael's power on that one. ;) The key is that we understand that he really meant it when he said, "You're just another part of me." If you keep listening, keep giving, tune in to the spirit power that he is NOW, you WILL actually change the world.

It's a phenomenon, a movement, a ripple effect of love that cannot be stopped. A love this deep cannot be forgotten—cannot fade. It will forever continue to grow. It is not just a love for a fallen mega-talented celebrity. He came with a love to heal the world. He's just beginning - and YOU are a KEY to unlock a better world.

Thank you for listening! Thank you for turning your love into ACTION. Thank you for recognizing an unlikely voice as the voice of love and change. In the largest sense, you are merely channeling LOVE, and his voice is the magical key to unlock your heart.

I understand. It happened to me too. "MichaeLOVE" to you, ~h~


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