
When we think of legacy we begin to think with a conscious state of mind. We start to think in different terms of what we want our legacy to look and feel like. Some years ago I began to consciously post. I posted videos and written posts, some with flyers attached of the things I was learning, questions I wanted to see what others thought, and experiences that I have had. As a thinker and someone who wants to better themselves on every level I consciously break apart experiences that I have. My goal is to see where I went wrong, and what I can do better in the next experience. For most of us our legacy will live on in our children’s children and when my legacy asks “What was I like,? What was I thinking? What was I learning? And who was I trying to be?” I believe that I will have left a wealthy electronic footprint of answers through everything that I do. My experiences are not just for people to see. I’m leaving a legacy for my children’s children to follow.

You see, I am an adult that recognize that I have missed out on a lot of wisdom. Much of it that I’ve had to learn myself through my own experiences. I realized a long time ago that even though I wasn’t taught a lot of things it was still “my” responsibility to learn. So after careful thought I begin to consciously post those lessons from experiences because maturity allow us to see a lesson or experience from a different level or consciousness as we grow and evolve and I wanted to be mature enough to share what I learned.
So, when I am not around to give answers to questions that my children’s children may have questions to I pray that I have left with them most of everything that they’ll need to know to walk in wisdom and knowledge.

When I recently was told “You seem to sub-post a lot” no, I’m pretty conscious about everything that I post and the way that I post it. My strategy is to put out everything I learn as I learn it. It’s a reference for myself and for my legacy.

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Published by Kai Mann

Empowering and educating others around the world about the nature of self-love, self-growth, and the importance of self-awareness that leads to authentic change and infinite transformation.

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