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Breaking News: Quebec Has Officially Banned Women With Face Veils From Using The STM Bus And Metro

The controversial religious neutrality bill has been passed into law.

It's official, the controversial religious neutrality bill known as Bill 62 that forces citizens to keep their faces visible while giving and receiving services from the state has been passed into law.

The vote was 66-51 in favor of the new law.

READ ALSO: How Montreal's STM Bus Drivers Feel About Quebec's Face Veil Ban

This means women who wear burkas and niqabs will no longer be able to board an STM bus or metro without removing their veils. 

Presumably it also means that during the winter we would all have to remove our scarves, hoods and neck warmers before the boarding bus right?

What makes this even more complicated is the fact the the STM will now be expected to enforce these rules, however so far,  no specific guidelines have been given. 


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