Dedication to Teaching
/ Life Change

Dedication to Teaching

Hector Martinez, a well-respected Christian lawyer and the father of three students at Colegio Nueva Vida, was inspired to start teaching part-time after completing a teaching certificate course.

Graduates Reaching Youth
/ Life Change

Graduates Reaching Youth

On April 12, 2024, during a baptism service, seven youth from our Lassale church were baptized.

June News Update
/ Monthly Newsletter

June News Update

Living For Jesus–Oh What Peace
/ Devotions

Living For Jesus–Oh What Peace

To know God is to love Him and to serve Him. When we live for Jesus, and do those little tasks that He prompts us to do, we find peace and contentment. 

Doing and Trusting
/ Mission Progress

Doing and Trusting

We are praising the Lord for the recent purchase and safe delivery of food to our warehouse in Haiti. Through a port in the south, 2,000 sacks of rice were shipped in by boat. Our mission received five truckloads of food including the rice, and also beans and cooking oil.

Churches Together
/ Life Change

Churches Together

The most important work we see happening in Haiti is the spiritual work through our churches. Our pastors are leading the way by uniting the churches for special events and evangelistic efforts.

June Podcast
/ Podcast

June Podcast

Jesus is the Great Physician
/ Devotions

Jesus is the Great Physician

There’s an old story about a family on vacation traveling through the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. One morning, they stopped at a country restaurant for breakfast. […]

Sharing Jesus With Women
/ Life Change

Sharing Jesus With Women

More than 40 years ago in Haiti, my heart was stubbornly determined to share Jesus with the Haitian women via a weekly Bible study. […]

May News Update
/ Monthly Newsletter

May News Update

Trade School Programs
/ Mission Progress

Trade School Programs

Our L’Acul pastor, Richemond Casseus, has a trade school on their campus. He is utilizing the same space as his church and elementary school—just at different times. […]

Bible Classes at School
/ Life Change

Bible Classes at School

Bible classes at school can profoundly impact students’ lives, fostering spiritual and personal growth that influences their daily routines. […]

Vacation Bible School
/ Campaigns

Vacation Bible School

With hula hoops twirling and music playing outside, the kids in Masson, Haiti, enjoyed a VBS program that was festive and fun!  […]

Helping Communities
/ Mission Progress

Helping Communities

Many Haitians are sacrificial and compassionate, helping others in desperate situations. I’ve seen them share food, take in orphans, and offer a spot to sleep in an already full home. […]

The Source
/ Devotions

The Source

I remember the anticipation of going to summer camp! Hiking, swimming, and meeting new friends made summer camp a special place. […]

Worshipping God
/ Life Change

Worshipping God

Our church in Los Castillos is blessed to have a vibrant worship team made up of teenagers George Jean, Ashanty Pérez, Christian Cruz and siblings Mardoche, Clivens and Rodelina Codio. All of these youth are current or former students at Colegio Nueva Vida and are active members of the Leaders for Christ group. […]

Haitians Helping Haitians
/ Life Change

Haitians Helping Haitians

When visiting churches in the U.S., we meet Haitians who remember their homeland and pray for God’s continued help and healing. They are eager to help by sponsoring a child, and as a Haitian they know the efforts of our mission are vital. […]

Blessed By Sponsorship
/ CampaignsLife Change

Blessed By Sponsorship

A fine Christian businessman from England came to visit in the Dominican Republic. He soon purchased a home, and found a lovely woman who was a single mom with a four-year-old boy. […]

April News Update
/ Monthly Newsletter

April News Update

March Podcast
/ Podcast

March Podcast