Charles Ray's Reviews > They Came with the Snow

They Came with the Snow by Christopher  Coleman
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A strange blast in a small college town triggers a blizzard, which is followed by an infestation of ‘crabs,’ Curious at first, they soon turn deadly. College professor, Dominic Daniels, and a small group of survivors must decide whether to try and stick it out in their tenuous safe havens, or make a run for it and contend with the ‘monsters,’ who came with the snow.
They Came With the Snow by Christopher Coleman is a short horror story that stretches the limits of the imagination. Leaving much to the reader’s imagination, it is a shocking judgment of government overreach gone too far. A book that can, mercifully, be read in about half an hour, and one that you will long remember.

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Reading Progress

December 12, 2017 – Started Reading
December 12, 2017 – Shelved
December 12, 2017 – Finished Reading

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