Movements, To Foster: Think Globally, Act Nationally … Jump on the Bandwagon and Lend a Hand … Occupy, the Women’s Movement, and Democratic Socialism

Movements, To Foster:

Think Globally, Act Nationally … Jump on the Bandwagon and Lend a Hand … Occupy, the Women’s Movement, and Democratic Socialism


— which is Chapter 52 of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, and the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide* by Michael Adzema, coming to print book and e-book format March-April, 2018.




Movements, To Foster:

Think Globally, Act Nationally … Jump on the Bandwagon and Lend a Hand … Occupy, the Women’s Movement, and Democratic Socialism

“…socialistic and utopian schemes can work, if we focus on a parallel consciousness revolution and an environmental campaign to save the planet to go along with the political ones.”

“Marxist doctrine sought equality and benefit for the working man at the expense of women, planetmates, and the environment. You cannot build a utopia on the suffering of anyone is what they did not include in their calculations.”

“…the Women’s March on Washington … has been called the largest single-day protest ever staged in the U.S.”

“…behind the scenes and perhaps under the covers in the most misogynistic cultures around the world, women are waking up and asserting themselves.”

You say you want more direct and immediate things that can be done and that perhaps you can do? No problem.

Think Globally, Act Nationally

First, of course, you can join with any of the many groups, projects, tasks, or efforts to do something about our environmental crisis. That is something you already know, so I won’t spend any time repeating the obvious.

Indeed, my intent is to make folks aware of the more substantive psychological and spiritual changes that are needed; for without them there is little interest, as we see currently, in saving ourselves and all life. Additionally, I believe our efforts should primarily be toward major changes and targeting the systemic causes of our problems, not as much their myriad individual eruptions. For I do not see that at a time when we need to do things on a mass scale and as quickly as possible that simply applying oneself to recycling or petition campaigns, and the like — or even the saving of individual species — is a very high priority. Helpful, yes. Necessary, yes. But a high priority? What about a sense of proportion? A little bit of thoughtfulness about the ways to apply oneself that will reap the greatest benefit?

What good does it do to take small actions locally that are undone at the federal or worldwide level by corrupt, ignorant, or inept politicians and corporate or government officials? How helpful is it to save one species when four and a half million of them, minimum, will go extinct in the next ten years or less? Better to raise awareness about the major ongoing extinction and direct action toward the climactic and environmental causes of extinction in general. Regarding recalcitrant and self-interested officials, better to first get them out of office or do anything to limit or redirect their power.

More important, also, to march in the streets to bring awareness to the important issues, to do any and all things to raise consciousness about the things being ignored — by government and media equally — which are guaranteed to end our lives. How is that not a no-brainer? That is how we ended the war in Vietnam. We first raised public awareness nationally and internationally about what was being done there and the ramifications it was having everywhere. It would not have made any sense to apply our efforts to saving individual soldiers on either side — who were being murdered wantonly, granted — as the war continued bringing more soldiers into the meat grinder on an endless conveyor belt.

Wars need to be stopped, before one can address oneself to their aftermath and to doing remedial work. And to stop wars, one needs to set one’s sights on the power and decision centers and take whatever actions are possible toward ending them there. Similarly, the environmental crisis needs to be noticed and to be addressed in major national and international ways, through policy changes and accompanying enforcement, before it makes any sense to place the priority at the local cleanup level. I mean, seriously. And concerning my issue of nuclear radiation, I do not understand how anything we are doing matters much as long as we are irradiating the planet so as to make virtually all life impossible eventually on Earth, and much sooner than you realize, nor as long as we have nuclear weapons abounding which can undo any progress on any front in shorter than even a New York minute.

Let me give you my take on how we forgot that sense of proportion: After the Vietnam War, activists were understandably weary of the struggle. How could they not be after being battered by propaganda and misinformation at the national level — coming out of the camps of Republicans, the Nixon White House, and the wealthy elites — which portrayed their noble and self-sacrificing actions for peace as the selfish acts of narcissists? Which stirred up the South, the heartland, and White working men against supposedly “privileged” do-gooders, “lazy bums,” “smelly” hippies, “Commie” activists, and “cowardly traitors”? Not to mention after having their ranks decimated by governmental murder — as at Kent State and Jackson State — and through incarcerations. Protesters and other counterculture elements were imprisoned on a mass scale and mostly on trivial grounds.

One example is the drug war that was begun at that time. Marijuana possession began being ruthlessly punished; the term “zero-tolerance” came into vogue. Zero-tolerance meant that the slightest infraction — a tiny amount of possessed marijuana, a joint, for example — was equally worthy of punishment as the largest transgression in any category. It was a concoction of the Right, weary of liberal notions of compassion and brotherhood, who wanted to attack the seeming social problems — which were only the heads of real progress and change popping up — with old-fashioned methods of indiscriminate “spanking.”

Thus, “zero-tolerance” was a result of the frustration of enforcers, and the population at large, at being cajoled to be thoughtful and considerate in a world that had shown itself to be more nuanced, complicated, and less at fault than traditionally was assumed. Zero-tolerance was Perseus slaying Medusa without bothering to look at her. And — consequences be damned! — it felt damn good for them to be releasing their tensions on innocent scapegoats. You hate hippies? You hate Berkeley? You hate those uppity Blacks? Well, indiscriminate prosecution of those subcultures on spurious drug charges was a way one could not only keep them down, embattled, and afraid. Which it was; Nixon admitted as much on the secret White House recordings, where he also advocated murder of contrary elements. It was also a way one could let out one’s anger and frustration about a world that was changing away from what one was taught; requiring instead that one be a better person, a more sensitive and intelligent person, than one’s lazy and privileged White ass wanted to be.

In any case, the result was that the Left as well as its accompanying counterculture was weary of the national and worldwide struggle and so sought relief in easier to achieve, safer to engage in, and less-likely-to-get-them-imprisoned activist efforts on the local level. The mantram, “Think globally, act locally” became the guiding star.

Of course, applying oneself on both the local-personal and the national-international spheres at the same time is surely the best course … as long as one does not get caught up in trivial environmental causes or projects while ignoring the systemic causes of them. Nonetheless, “think globally, act locally” was never really a good idea except in regard to smaller issues. Once we stopped acting globally and nationally — instead tending our own metaphorical or literal gardens locally — we left those arenas open to be loaded with all kinds of Tea Party, fascist, racist, and other (my god! even, now, Russian!) propaganda. For those Rightist and reactionary elements, indeed, never stopped seeing the issues as being of such huge national, even Universal, even metaphysical, scope. As the Left toned down its consciousness-raising, the Right increasingly jacked up its efforts at consciousness-lowering. They never forgot their “big picture” — constrained as it was in relation to the burgeoning new awarenesses. The Right attests to that in their writings about a culture war and in their continually being willing to stop all governmental action and progress on trivial, indeed symbolic grounds.

However, the Democrats, in America, in opting for more pragmatic responses to problems only had them conceding parts of the field to the Righties. Whereupon the Republicans and conservatives merely moved the goal posts backwards. That is how we ended up in the situation we are in now where gains we once had fought hard for, and won — unions, civil rights, environmental legislation, a free press, LGBQT rights, fair and wise immigration policies, free and fair elections, social security, Medicare, and virtually everything progressive or compassionate, now that Trump is calling the tune — now have to be regained, new struggles required. The Democrats never understood that they needed to maintain a principled position, keeping fast to it — equivalent to keeping one’s goal posts in place — so that any compromises required would not end up losing what was gained, having them endlessly eroded away. Having them continually being pulled closer to conservative positions and views.

That Democrats did not stand fast with their principles is evident in their refusal to allow a fair chance to Bernie Sanders in his run for the presidency and so stacked the deck for Hillary Clinton. Hillary was an extremely capable and “safer” option than Sanders. Yet she was not feeding the fervor of the masses at the time, in 2016, when folks on both the Right, the Left, and in-between were ready and yearning for the more radical change, finally, which Sanders offered. Similarly, more principled Democrats would have joined with the Occupy movement or at least supported it if they had not stopped “thinking globally.” Obama, sadly, kept his distance from OWS. The Democrats’ failure to do what Republicans did in their supporting the Tea Party movement earlier is what accounts for so many Tea Party folks in government currently, whereas the Democrats have been severely compromised, fighting merely to stem their many losses. Which brings us around again to … exactly that:

The Occupy Movement

What you can do? Hey, occupy Earth, for one. This is one movement which rose up out of the intense and neglected need to change things at the systemic level. It aimed its bow at capitalism itself, specifically the injustices inherent in it. Something which I have been explaining is inherent in civilizational society itself, with its social hierarchy. And so I have addressed it in even its grandest scope, as an element of civilization which itself has roots in birth trauma, which emanated out of our becoming bipedal. Still, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) — the main component of Occupy in the United States — was anything but shallow in its understandings of the causes of things.

The Occupy movement, which began in October of 2011, was a firestorm of response to frustration about changing. And it was the first worldwide movement for progressive change seen since the Sixties. If you think it has gone away, you have not been looking. Our Eugene, Oregon, contingency still has monthly meetings, and members still participate in programs such as Occupy Medical, here, which helps the homeless and the poor. Occupy, worldwide, fostered ongoing action for change in many disparate but all progressive ways. Furthermore, its mode of discussion as practiced in its General Assemblies represents a model for egalitarian dialogue and decision-making that goes far beyond the competitive and disputative modes … or the authoritarian, patriarchal ones … of virtually all other decision-making groups, whether corporate and secular or civil and governmental.

However, much more must be done to help the world, and Occupy needs to have a grander role and influence in bringing that about; and maybe it is you who is needed to help.

Democratic Socialism

Political and economic changes need to happen, as well. They should not be overlooked, for the effect of small changes in political and/or economic processes are profound. They are wider ranging than ever imagined and are longer lasting than the influences of any individual or group. Any changes in the actual system, once it is established, effects change on an ongoing and automatic basis, requiring no additional personal or group effort to bring it about.

This is one of the true benefits of activism over against mere personal growth to effect change. Civil rights movements do not have to be continually redone once its tenets have made it into law. The effects of activism can also be unwritten and be equally long lasting. Once we halted nuclear plant construction in the United States with that lawsuit, it did not need to be re-stopped. Corporations and investors simply ceased applying for new plant construction once they realized consumers were not going to foot the bill. Though of course that can change, as is true of any systemic progress. Still, institutional and governmental change is the longest lasting of all and is far superior, in changing a world, than any effects of individuals, however cumulative. For even those must result in policy and legal change eventually.

So we need political and economic change, for it is the most powerful and longest lasting of all. But what kind of political change? What kind of economic?

It should be clear that capitalism is the epitome of civilization, with all the faults civilization has that are contributing to our humanicide and the world’s ecocide — hierarchy, insensitivity to the needs of the individual, inequality, domination and submission, dependence on the value of power and control, and greed and the profit motive not just adopted but actually enshrined … worshipped, even. On the other hand, in America’s last presidential election in 2016, Bernie Sanders presented a model of Democratic Socialism that would help, if ever adopted.

Not coincidentally his proposals included a robust program addressing climate change. This should not be surprising, for our interests — survival, the health of our children — are obvious and ever more pressing; and real people, actual people not economic entities, cannot help but respond to them. It is primarily the mindless behemoth of the corporation, feeding itself on greed and self-interest, that is the barrier to real change. Thus anything that takes the seat of decision making out of the hands of those whose only interest is profit and the material advance of themselves alone — which cumulatively create the monster with no conscience whatsoever, the corporation — is a helpful and hopeful thing. It is most certainly something to foster.

A Marxist Reformulation Needed

The point is that socialistic and utopian schemes can work, if we focus on a parallel consciousness revolution and an environmental campaign to save the planet to go along with the political ones. This brings in the Marxist material for a complete rebuilding, not a mere tune-up. For indeed, socialist revolution was itself founded upon understandings of human psychology and human nature and of our relation to Nature that, while the movement was considered utopian, were wrong … dooming the movement to failure. You cannot build a utopia peopled with folks motivated in the way we have been seeing them in modern societies, which is to say, as purely self-interested and materialistic.

The Marxist movements were also undoubtedly sexist in practice, though its literature asserted a goal of equality.1 For, misogynists abounded in that era and influenced all ideas and attitudes on the Right and the Left.2 Admittedly, Communist revolutions were importantly instigated by women’s actions; their ranks were filled with women; and their role was crucial in Marxist revolutions’ most significant events.3 Post-revolutionary councils and governments, also, were more likely than in capitalist countries at the time to have women members.4 Indeed, the Chinese socialist revolution, led by Mao Tse-tung, was partially inspired by an event he observed in his youth, which involved a woman taking her life in public as she was being carried in a ceremonial chair to a man to be her husband in a prearranged marriage.5 Such suicides were common in China at that time and for that reason.6

Nonetheless, the equality of humans became, at home and in practice, mostly a “brotherhood of man,” not particularly, women. Brutal and widespread rape of women occurred on both sides of socialist revolutions; men accused women who refused their sexual advances of “bourgeois prudery.”7 Marilyn French (1985) writes, about the Russian Revolution, “It was an especially cruel war for everyone, but particularly for women, who were savaged by men on both sides, Bolsheviks (Reds) and anti-Bolsheviks (Whites), who raped women with impunity. One city declared it a crime for a woman to ‘refuse a Communist,’ and another declared all women state property, along with any children born of such unions.”8

Some Marxist leaders, and especially its most prolific theorist, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, were staunchly sexist and chauvinist in their beliefs about the family and their attitudes toward their wives.9 They could be authoritarian, even dictatorial, when it came to their own families and children. Proudhon came under brutal criticism by several Marxist writers. This is telling in showing the movements struggle, within itself, over this issue. For example, Andre Leo in 1869 wrote about Proudhon, “These so-called lovers of liberty, if they are unable to take part in the direction of the state, at least they will be able to have a little monarchy for their personal use, each in his own home…. Order in the family without hierarchy seems impossible to them — well then, what about in the state?”10

Proudhon was also “disgustingly” anti-Semitic.11 Such bigotries abounding even in idealistic and utopian movements show the need to do more than overthrow or transform the engines of economies, if we are to survive. They point to the psychological insanity I have been explicating in this work as embedded in their doctrines, policies, and if not, then in their leaders. This suggests that the next revolution needs to stand on firmer psychological and sociological grounds — and I would argue, in alignment with the more profound metaphysical and transpersonal findings of our consciousness research — for it to be successful. Forgoing undue modesty, my works to date are attempts to help in that effort, and this is something that will come out increasingly in the several works to follow in my Return to Grace Series.

Similarly, the lives of our planetmates and the quality of the environment were also not considered in Marxist doctrine or practice. The world of Nature was as equally thingified as in capitalist systems and reduced to a common denominator in terms, only, of its usage as resources and items to be consumed. Planetmates and the planet were equally as under capitalism plundered for consumption and the waste swept under the rug. Indeed, the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communists, until only just recently, were just as much, if not more, destructive of their environments as is the Western world. These socialist governments did not make it beyond the idea that a utopian world could be achieved through the equal distribution of resources and profits to the understanding that how those resources were acquired, who was injured in the process, how it affected the planet, and the manner of the processing and distribution of those resources should figure into what would be considered truly prosperous or utopian. Altogether, Marxist doctrine sought equality and benefit for the working man at the expense of women, planetmates, and the environment. You cannot build a utopia on the suffering of anyone is what they did not include in their calculations.

Clearly, then, only a thorough reformulation of what is human and what is human nature and what are the possibilities for consciousness change and what are the possible ways of facilitating changes in consciousness on a mass scale (see Chapters 49, 50, and 51) is what can provide what is needed for a radical restructuring of societies and economies in a way that would save our beloved Mother Earth. To that end, Democratic Socialism — which we see having great success in Europe, as an ideal if not as yet in any pure form, and to have contributed to human rights and prosperity for the average citizen there above what is the case in the United States — is at least a start.

Democratic socialism, according to Wikipedia, can be defined as “a political ideology that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production with an emphasis on self-management or democratic management of economic institutions within a market socialist or decentralized socialist planned economy.

“Democratic socialists hold that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the democratic values of liberty, equality, and solidarity; and that these ideals can only be achieved through the realization of a socialist society. Democratic socialism can be supportive of either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism.”12

It has also been shown to be better than any form of government and economies in its respect for the environment. The Democratic Socialist nations of Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and Belgium, among others, have led the way — and in some cases far surpassed America and the rest of the world — in sustainable economies and environmental protection, along with benefits for its workers.13

The Women’s Movement

Finally, and most potent and recent of all, is the Women’s Movement. It rose its head again, 21 January 2017, in a powerful way as the Women’s March on Washington. The March has been called the largest single-day protest ever staged in the U.S.14

The Women’s March on Washington

Its issues are comprehensive but have a keystone in overturning the pervasive male domination of the trajectories and policies of nations — currently, still in the sway of patriarchal notions — toward something that has all the elements I have been mentioning as needing changing. This includes, along with women’s rights, a concern for the environment and the planet, LGBTQ rights, workers’ rights, racial equality, immigration and healthcare reforms, religious freedom, and reproductive rights. It arose as a reaction to the installation of Donald Trump as president of the United States, particularly because of his misogynistic comments, past behavior, and his implemented and proposed policies clearly seen to be anti-women, anti-children, anti-democracy, against free speech and the open media, reactionary and regressive (in the bad meaning of the word) and authoritarian in general … aspiring to be totalitarian.15

Regarding the issues of climate change, nuclear contamination, and pollution, the March’s organizers were clear: “We believe that every person and every community in our nation has the right to clean water, clean air, and access to and enjoyment of public lands. We believe that our environment and our climate must be protected and that our land and natural resources cannot be exploited for corporate gain or greed — especially at the risk of public safety and health.”16

The Women’s Movement, as it arose in the Women’s March was a worldwide movement at its very start. A credible estimate of its strength in January 2017 is that over five million people — women, men, and children — marched throughout the world, in eighty-two nations. Other estimates have it even stronger and that 3.3 to 5.2 million participated in the United States alone.17

In the United States, the March encouraged women to step up to positions of political power. The organizers of the March came out with “Ten Actions for the First One Hundred Days,” in which, among other things, women were encouraged to run for office at all levels and in numbers greater than they ever had.18 That part succeeded, as was evident in the unprecedented gains by women in political offices nationwide in the elections held later that year.19

Ready to Run

These gains were indisputably inspired by the Women’s March and catalyzed by the Ready to Run program operated out of Rutgers’s University. The program schools women on the details and procedures of running for office. Applications for the program, which has eighteen partners and is carried out nationwide, soared after the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary Clinton, a woman.

Incidentally, the manner in which the election was taken away from her was part of what drove the fury of women that followed it. Hillary’s presidency was ripped from her through a massive misinformation campaign conducted out of Russia, with collusion from the Trump campaign and many in the Republican Party. Despite all this, Hillary Clinton prevailed by over three million votes in the popular vote count but was not given the office because of razor-thin, highly questionable “wins” for Trump in states — it is still to be determined to what extent there was Russian and Republican influence on the actual tallies, though that is likely — which created an electoral college win for Donald Trump.

The vote totals in the states that created the electoral college “win” seemed perfectly calculated to bring them about, barely winning, in these states. Experts using mathematical models have asserted that the win was highly unlikely to have occurred in those states — in those exact states with those perfectly suited electoral votes and with such consistently narrow margins of victory — without some intentional manipulation of the results, brought about through some kind of hacking. Further suspicion attends the fact that, just as with Gore in 2000, states were given to Hillary early on which were taken away later on election night. In both cases, exit polls showed the Democrats winning and the final tallies contradicting that. Just as after the 2000 election, ludicrous explanations as to why people would lie after the fact about who they voted for have been advanced. As if suddenly in the history of elections and polling American psychology had changed from what it had been and what it is like everywhere else in the world.

Additionally, though the intelligence services of the United States looked into Russian influence on the campaign in the misinformation it spread and other ways, it never looked into whether the tallies were tampered with. Clearly, to admit there was hacking of the election results and that Hillary had actually won the electoral college as well would create a constitutional crisis and a kind of civil war that the powers that be wished to avoid by simply saying it was not looked into. Not looked into became, then, in the media and among the politicians and talking heads that it had not happened.

Yet, since this vote tampering has happened as well in order to deny John Kerry and Al Gore the wins they also earned, in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, it is something that I hope will finally be addressed. Then we have a chance to ensure actual democracy in the United States, for we can prevent vote tampering in the future by implementing non-hackable means of vote counting, with paper receipts.

In any case, this corruption of democracy, along with Trump’s infamous comments, derogatory of women, and including references to sexual predation and assault, as evidenced by his “pussy grabbing” comment, and with the Women’s March on Washington as inspiration resulted in such phenomenal interest by women in politics in 2017. EMILY’s List, a partner of Ready to Run, was contacted by ten thousand women, by March of 2017 alone, who were enthusiastic about running for office. Another partner, VoteRunLead reported interest by 6,545 women. That was the number of women signing up to learn about campaigning as of April of 2017.

Thus Trump’s policies, his misogynism and apparent sexual predation, and the theft of the presidency in 2016 mobilized women to run for office the following year. They not only ran, they won. And in a big way.

#MeToo Movement

Not long after the elections another movement related to women’s rights arose, triggered by one after the other of revelations of sexual abuse by men in power. This time, these events were not covered up, dismissed, or overlooked. America is currently reeling from the changes being wrought in our understandings of men’s behavior regarding women, in the workplace and otherwise, and the increasing awareness of the way misogyny infects patriarchal cultures, even the ones of today. This movement is nothing but auspicious for gender relations in America and for an increased power of women’s voice on all issues of policy and in the cultural arena.20

Worldwide Women’s Rights

And around the world, we see gains by women, even in recalcitrant Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, where women are finally being allowed to drive automobiles.

I will note one small, perhaps prophetic, indicator of things that might be on the horizon. In the book I released before this one, four months ago, November 2017, I had plenty of material on women’s roles and their lots in cultures around the world and throughout history, and I made strong arguments for women’s rights and for respect for women. My work, Dance of the Seven Veils I, focused especially on the way girls were cobbled for life through their rites of passage into womanhood. In particular I gave the example of clitoridectomy. My conclusion was that a kind of soul murder occurred to make women compliant and hard-working tools of their societies … their felicity and individuality stripped from them, sometimes in brutal fashion.

Shortly after posting sections of the book having to do with that, I had an explosive influx of followers on Twitter, where I had announced my writings. This was the only time that had happened in my nine years on Twitter. My total number of followers increased by nearly fifty percent in a short period, most of that in the first few days following the posts. Well, here is the shocker: It is that the vast majority of the followers were women from Arab countries. That had me thinking. Perhaps now it also has you.

Although I won’t hold my breath, it just might be that, behind the scenes and perhaps under the covers in the most misogynistic cultures around the world, women are waking up and asserting themselves.21 Considering the worldwide dissemination of information on human rights — and with the evidence of the gains by women in the West, especially in the last year — it might be that the rest of the women in the world have taken notice and are beginning to take action. Just as the Mideast tried to overthrow dictatorial regimes and institute the democracy and human rights they were seeing exhibited in the Western media and among Westerners — as distributed on the pervasive social media and the internet — in the Arab Spring uprising of 2011; so also its women might be on the verge of rising up in huge numbers to overthrow the enslavement they have suffered for a thousand years in the Arab world.

That is my tentative, hopeful, prophecy. Coming in 2018 or in the years shortly thereafter.

Next, Mental Preparation for Activism

As I mentioned earlier, this topic of solutions will be addressed again and again in my many upcoming works. However, we should keep in mind that most solutions are embedded within the problems themselves. For most deleterious processes and events the answer is simply, “Stop it!” as comedian Bob Newhart once so humorously put it.22

Yes, to put an end to most things that are taking us to oblivion, the solution is to simply stop doing them. Beyond that, one need only look to any of the readily available alternatives to any such procedures or practices. Still, as I said above, I will address these topics of solutions and ways and visions and possible futures in my works, Back to the Garden, Primal Return, and Primal Renaissance, which are to be brought into print in the next few years. Furthermore, one book already in print in the Return to Grace Series, Apocalypse NO: Apocalypse or Earth Rebirth and the Emerging Perinatal Unconscious, speaks to this topic and points out some hopeful and helpful developments in postmodern times, resting alongside the growing problems.

Meanwhile, in the next chapter, we will notice how some of these corruptions of human thought and feeling — these twisted and irrational urges and compulsions — come out in our very attitudes and actions in response to our humanicide. We have been talking about the reaction of our general population to our predicament. Now, those who have actually turned to face this problem, who acknowledge it, have their own set of perverse attitudes, intractable and encrusted inanities, and obvious but avoided considerations.

— from Chapter 52, titled “Movements, To Foster: Think Globally, Act Nationally … Jump on the Bandwagon and Lend a Hand … Occupy, the Women’s Movement, and Democratic Socialism”

— of *Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, and the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide* by Michael Adzema, coming to print book and e-book format March-April, 2018.

Click for a free downloadable copy of this excerpt from Psychology of Apocalypse, with my compliments.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR, Michael Adzema. Video below … interviewed by Michael Harrell





— Related: See also other published versions of these ideas….


*Dance of the Seven Veils  I(2017). 

At Amazon at

At Amazon at
 At Amazon at

*Falls from Grace: The Devolution and Revolution of Consciousness* (2014).

At Amazon at

See Michael Adzema at Amazon for any other of the eleven books currently in print.



About sillymickel

Activist, psychotherapist, pre- and perinatal psychologist, author, and environmentalist. I seek to inspire others to our deeper, more natural consciousness, to a primal, more delightful spirituality, and to taking up the cause of saving life on this planet, as motivated by love.
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