Facebook IQ: Digital Research and InsightsFacebook IQ: Digital Research and Insights

Moments that Bring People Closer Together

Understand the nuances of how moments have expanded and shifted with our new report.


Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day, and by 2020, it’s estimated that 1.7 MB of data will be created every second for every person on Earth. In this connected world, that means people have infinite choice over what they watch, read, interact with and buy, each and every moment.

Curation is what makes the digital world work for people today. We have entered an age where people expect more relevance and personalized experiences for all the moments they take part in. Marketers and agencies can’t have a one-size-fits-all, calendar-based approach to moments planning. In this curated world, there is more complexity for advertisers but also more opportunity to create meaningful connections between people and brands around relevant moments.

Over the last few years, Facebook IQ has taken a closer look at moments that matter from all over the world and how advertisers are using moments to drive more strategic media plans. We’ve compiled these learnings into a comprehensive report, Moments that Bring People Closer Together.

Moments that bring people closer together. A report from Facebook IQ.

In this report you’ll:

  • Learn how consumer behavior has expanded from calendar-based to ephemeral, at-scale and real-time.
  • Find out how once-a-day, once-a-year and once-in-a-while trends have helped shape new moments and form new communities.
  • Explore how to use these insights to enhance strategic development, creative ideation and media planning.

As the nature of creation and consumption evolve and the number of platforms and formats people engage with continue to advance, agencies and brands have an opportunity to be part of a new media plan and successfully move from marketing to mattering.

What it means for marketers

What it means for marketers

  • Build an audience that scales.

    Use your core audience to determine the best moments to reach them. Expand your reach by taking advantage of machine learning to find lookalikes who build off your audience and the moment.

  • Build messaging that stands up.

    Once you determine your audience-at-scale and understand the important moments in their lives, use those insights to fuel your strategy and imagination. Find the creative spark that will help drive your business objectives.

  • Build for where people are.

    Stand out and meet expectations in today’s curated world. Brands must meet people where they are, in the mediums they prefer.


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