Dallas Woodburn

creating Overflowing Bookshelves podcast

  • 42 posts
  • $17.73/month

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My new novel THANKS, CARISSA, FOR RUINING MY LIFE will be published by Immortal Works Press in February. You will be first on the list to receive a signed copy! 

Plus, you get to sponsor a podcast episode; inspire a blog post; hear your name on the air; and enjoy access to exclusive patron-only content!
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Along with my new novel THANKS, CARISSA, FOR RUINING MY LIFE, you will also receive an individual 20-minute coaching session every month, either by phone or Zoom, to discuss your writing, your goals, what has you stuck, a project you are working on... anything I can help you with!

Plus, you get to sponsor a podcast episode; receive a shout-out on the air; and have access to exclusive patron-only content!
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Dallas Woodburn

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