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What Boomers And Gen Xers Get Wrong About Social Media

Updated Nov 14, 2014, 08:26am EST
This article is more than 9 years old.

Social media was not a part of the business landscape when most boomers and Gen Xers hit their stride. But today, regardless of role, industry or seniority, being social media savvy is a major advantage for both personal branding and for doing your job better. I work with a lot of senior executives whose social media errors needlessly work against them. Here are 9 of the most egregious.

1. Thinking you are immune. I spoke at a corporate conference recently about the importance of social media for leaders. An audience member stood up and said with pride, “I don't need social media. I have a strong in-person network. I don’t even have a LinkedIn profile.” My response? When it comes to social media, it’s not about you, it’s about your stakeholders. And you need to meet them where they are. Change your mindset so you can be seen as a relevant change agent, not a reluctant relic who misses opportunities to keep that network thriving.

2. Being invisible. If your team members, clients and potential hires are googling you and nothing shows up, you don’t exist. And since many people “meet” you online before they connect with you in person, your digital brand is your first impression. Having no profile puts a lot of pressure on you during that first in-person meeting – if it even happens!

3. Making a mediocre attempt. Almost as bad as #2 is a feeble attempt to get something up on the web without a plan or concerted effort. Examples include poor quality images, no strategy, and mixed messages. When someone looks you up online, what they learn must be consistent with who you are in the real world, reinforcing your brand. Treat online branding with the same importance as real-world activities like calling on prospects.

4. Being silent. Social media is not just about presence, it’s about conversation, relationships and engagement.  This involves much more than broadcasting. It’s also about listening and being a part of the right conversations. Know where your stakeholders are and pay attention to what they are doing and saying.

5. Not acknowledging your team’s wins via social media. Want to win some “wow points?” Acknowledge your team via social media. Tweet congratulations, acknowledge someone in your LinkedIn activity feed and endorse and recommend your team in LinkedIn. That’s a great way to express gratitude and show your followers that you recognize and reward excellence in others.

6. Not training your team to use social media. Be the role model for your team. Give them the tools to use social media to build their brand and do their job better. According to an Altimeter Group survey of digital strategists, 62% of companies have no social media education program. Make your mark on your company. Become a social media leader.

7. Thinking real- and virtual-world communications are separate. You’re doing double the work if you think real-world communications are distinct and separate from social media. Translate what you do in the real world for the web. For example, create a pdf of the presentation you deliver to your professional association and upload it to SlideShare, then share it with your LinkedIn connections and groups. With every share, your brand exposure grows.

8. Not learning from Gen Ys. Millennials and other social media evangelists can get you from zero to sixty faster and with less stress. Connecting with your company’s latest hires will do more than help you build relationships with these important future leaders. When you reach out to mentor junior staff members, let them return the favor by making you a social media superstar.

9. Missing the opportunity to stand out. Social media adoption among boomers is low. That’s great news for you, because it will make your social media efforts stand out even more. Think of it as a dose of virtual Botox. Boomer and Gen Xer social media promoters demonstrate innovation and that becomes a powerful personal brand differentiator.

Follow me on Twitter and check out my latest book, Ditch. Dare. Do! 3D Personal Branding for Executives.