How to Know That You Really Lived...





Nothing brings our focus to the passing of time like the approach of a new year! Yes, a year of life has passed for all of us. It’s a time to press the reset button and start anew. Tradition has us making resolutions about what we’d like to change in the future. In this case, tradition leads us astray!


In truth, making resolutions is not what leads to change. We do not change-on-demand. Instead, change happens with growth, and growth requires a special mindset. Having a mindset for growth leads us to a path. It is on this path where change, and therefore growth occurs. Finding the path is a commitment to the process as well as the outcome.


As Seth Godin says, “Start your journey before you see the outcome…your resistance wants to be guaranteed the prize at the end…but It’s entirely possible that there won’t be a standing ovation at the end of your journey. That’s ok, at least you lived.”


So at year-end you can again try the shortcut…list your resolutions and submit your order for change. Then wait while nothing happens. Or, take some moments to inquire, reflect and find your path. Ask yourself the questions below, and take meaningful action. To find out where you are headed and how you will grow please be willing to look at the path you’ve been on already. Then you discover how to influence your path next year, and the years after that.


If at the end of next year you can say you took the risk of creating magic where there was not magic before, you can say you lived. You can do this, you know you can. And in our current connection economy, it’s a must. Life requires you to live!


Questions to ask*: (read more here)








Do you have goals for you and your family? Now you have help to reach those goals! Because...


The How to Coach Your Kids Online Workbook is Available now!


For subscribers of How to Coach Your Kids please check the

website and get started on Phase One: The Foundation; Section One: Orienteering of the online workbook!


This workbook is full of tools and perceptual shifts you can apply immediately in real time, as well as do long-term internal work to release pressure and destroy biases in your parenting.


If you're an HTCYK member, you can find the workbook here.

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How to Coach Your Kids Online Webinar:

The One Minute Parent: How to Coach Your Kids Series is for you if you want more harmony and accountability without pressure or punishment in your family. Whether you are the main caregiver, a single parent, step parent, grandparent, friend or teacher, the new tools and perceptions you will be exposed to will allow you to create Loving Family Systems! Monthly webinars for $35 each session or FREE with your annual HTCYK subscription!


Next webinar: January 21st, Sunday at 11:00am.

Email: to register or Click here for more info.




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