
1,000 Person Army 2018 Kickoff

Thank you so much for being a part of the 1,000 Person Army!

The 1,000 Person Army (1000PA) is at the core of the Fikisha support system. It is made up of families and individuals who are committed to giving, praying, encouraging, and connecting others with Fikisha.

We are continuing to experiment and develop with the army to make it is engaging and successful as possible. 

Below we wanted to share with you our plans for 2018 and ways that you can continue to help support Fikisha and the work being done in Kenya.

1000 Person Army Update - Feb 6, 2018
Update on the 1,000 Person Army and 2018 plans from Sam Bretzmann

1,000 Person Army Updates and Goals

Currently, the 1000PA has 26 members! We have a long way to go to reach our complete army of 1,000, but we are extremely grateful for all of you early entrepreneurs venturing out with us.

Our first goal is to get to 50 members. This spring we will be doing a "Join the Fikisha Army" drive which we would love for you all to participate in. If each one of you could invite one person to the Army it would get us to our first goal!  

An Opportunity To Encourage

At the beginning of April, Sam and Alyssa will be leading a trip to Kenya. We wanted to use this as an opportunity for the Army to encourage our team and students in Kenya. If you would like, we would love for you to send us a hand-written note and picture of you and your family that we can bring to Kenya with us and use to decorate our office. It is also an opportunity to donate physical items (Computers, cameras, shoes, etc...) that we can bring over with us. We will be sending out more information on this soon.

Start Your Donation

If you have signed up for the email but have not started your donation yet, we would love for you to do that! You can start your donation here. If you have any questions about this please let us know.
Thank you for your support and your time! If you have any questions or comments please let us know. If you are unable to continue to be a part of the Army, let us know and we can unsubscribe you from this list.
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