Petition update

61,125 signatures up to date

Simon Nicklin
Ashford, ENG, United Kingdom
Jan 17, 2018
Thank you all for your support and signatures. We need to show the government that we feel strongly about the honours system being a hand out simply because a person held a certain position in the government. There are well over 1000,000 signatures, opposing Nick Clegg's knighthood in two main petitions. This petition has raised over 61,000 supporters and signatures alone; surely, it's high time that such an honour was given to someone who has achieved something memorable, there are also unsung hero's who are not given a look in, however, some sports people and politicians are awarded these knighthoods simply for being who they are. This honour has been accepted and will no doubt take place, but we are opposed to it, for the very reasons mentioned. It's time that those more deserving of such an honour were awarded it, this is farcical.


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