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Art Inspires Scott's Branch High School Students

Art is a form of expression

Columbia, SC - (WLTX) "Art is a form of expression" says Tarleton Blackwell.

That's the motto at Scott's Branch High School.

The students say the art class lead by Blackwell is a peaceful environment and Blackwell says there's been a lot of growth since he arrived in 2005.

He says, "we have developed into students winning scholarships now."

Shakerra Phillips, a contestant in the congressional student artist competition says there's just something special about the art class that makes her feel good.

"Well art for me is relaxing. Whenever I'm upset or not having a great day I come in and get my art portfolio and I pull it out and I just start drawing and it relaxes my mind" says Phillips.

Rackia Grant, who drew a picture of one of her heroes Nelson Mandela, says this just couldn't be possible without the help of Blackwell

Grants says, "Mr. Blackwell as a teacher is a fun experience. He makes it a brighter experience just to be here like he makes it fun and a learning experience."

Adriannah Johnson, winner of the Read Across South Carolina award says her love for the arts runs deep through her veins.

"I just feel complete. I always loved art since I was a little girl and it just makes me feel happy. I come from a family where everybody draws. I have a very artistic family and growing up it just always stuck with me and I've a;ways been happy drawing anything" says Johnson.

But Blackwell says, he wants to give his students the tools to that will take them wherever they would want to go.

He says, "if they so desire to pursue art as a career they will have the skills to do so."

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