Thermax Names Adventive Marketing as Its Agency of Record
Selected to Provide Integrated Marketing Communications Services
Arlington Hts., IL, January 25, 2011 – Adventive Marketing, a leading B2B marketing communications firm located in the greater Chicago area, announces that it has been selected to provide branding, demand generation, web presence and public relations activities for Thermax, a leader in the use of high-temperature fluoropolymers in wire insulation and cable jackets. This technology is used in the military, aerospace, telecommunications, automotive, medical and sensor markets worldwide.
“We are extremely pleased to have been selected by Thermax. We believe that our aptitude in wire and cable technology and our expertise in the markets served by Thermax provided an attractive solution for their marketing communications needs,” says Steve Bork, Adventive Marketing’s president.
About Adventive Marketing, Inc.
For more than 20 years, Adventive Marketing has excelled at Technical Marketing Communications, doing what many agencies can’t – combining unparalleled niche marketing and broad traditional and interactive marketing skills with responsible progress management to provide a unique mix for aggressive marketing.
Ranked among the country’s top agencies every year since 2004 by BtoB Magazine, Adventive Marketing brings a highly strategic and fully integrated approach to client marketing goals – applying the necessary metrics to gauge the success of each tactic employed. For more information, visit Adventive Marketing’s website at:
About Thermax
Thermax, a division of Belden Inc., is a world leader in the development of specialty wire and cable products. Thermax is at the forefront of wire and cable technology, designing and manufacturing products used in high-performance applications and harsh environments. Thermax specializes in the use of high-temperature fluoropolymer insulations used in the aerospace, military, transportation, and industrial markets. For more information, visit Thermax’s website at:
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