Gecko Pub Quiz 2018: The Perfect Evening

Written by Denesh Srikantharajah

It’s mid January and those blues are hanging around far longer than I had planned for: that solitary gym session on 2nd January was swiftly followed by a run of (albeit delicious) Nandos fina pittas, those guitar lessons I thought about signing up for remain just a thought, and to top it all off the weather is pretty dire at the moment … but thank goodness there’s something exciting just around the corner – The Gecko Pub Quiz 2018!

That’s right, it’s that time of year where I start practicing my Dermot O’Leary quips in front of the mirror and use my shampoo bottle as a microphone in order to adequately prepare as the quizmaster for the greatest pub quiz around! And I urge all of you to come on down to The Railway Tavern this Saturday 20th January 2018 for what promises to be an exemplary night.

That should be enough to peak your interest, but for those who still need convincing, let me draw you a little picture …


The sun has set and it’s time to head on out. You call your mates and bring them along too, or even just head out by yourself to mingle with quite frankly an awesome group of people. You’re greeted by some friendly faces who take your name, and then you happily pay £10 for entry, knowing that it’s going to go towards a fantastic cause as part of this charitable fundraising event.

You take your seat and starting chatting to your fellow quiz-loving peers. You fancy a drink, so head to the bar to grab a refreshing beer, or maybe a tangy J20. You notice the mouthwatering dishes on the menu, and decide to give your taste buds a treat by ordering that burger you’ve been craving all week (the diet’s already fallen by the wayside, why keep pretending?!).

You join a team, be it with your friends or some new friends you’ve just made, and come up with a whimsical team name. Then, in the words of Joey Tribbiani, “a handsome man walks in” – and from then on in I’ll take you through a series of rounds full of fascinating quiz questions that will make you think and that have been carefully designed by the Gecko committee to create maximum enjoyment. With bonus rounds for added spice and even a “free drink” round, this quiz quite literally has everything. You’re sitting there thinking: “I never want this to end!”

But then it does end – and the winning team (which you’re clearly part of) holds aloft a wonderful prize that money can’t buy! But the enjoyment does not need to end there – people seem to be heading out, so why not join them and keep this party going! Can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday night: donating to charity, having some competitive banter and having a night out while we’re at it!

IMG_7621Now that picture seems pretty rosy to me – and that’s a night none of you should miss! So please, join us this Saturday for what promises to be a wonderful evening. We can’t wait to see you there! For further information, click on the link below!

Gecko Pub Quiz 2018


About geckosrilanka

Gecko Sri Lanka is a UK registered charity founded in the aftermath of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami by a group of second generation Sri Lankan students.
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